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Castle Rock

Contemporary culture shifts bring new challenges to leaders and workplaces. On one hand, we see a normalization of democratic attitudes in the business world. On the other, we feel a heightened sense of uncertainty from an ever-accelerating rate of innovation and transaction in an increasingly dynamic economy. With these realities in mind,  the need for organizational structures that support a resilient and proactive response has never been more important.


We believe there are two vectors we can look to in workplaces to orient ourselves in this contemporary cultural climate. We chose the name Rubrum and Gold to highlight our integrative approach to these mutually supportive goals. Gold, for millennia, has represented wealth and financial well-being: the primary goal of businesses. It also represents a commitment to high productivity standards.


With etymological roots to "ruby" and "rubric,"  Rubrum signifies for us a second treasure and standard: that of relational well-being. While historically underemphasized, we believe it is time to ride the culture shifts we are now experiencing towards heightened relational standards in workplace environments. In the final say, there is no right or wrong way to structure a thriving workplace culture. The standard lies in your purpose and mission, and the degree to which you skillfully navigate the interrelated values of efficacy and well-being as a leader and team member. 


Still, there are frameworks and skillsets available to us to meet these concerns. By focusing on business efficiency and relationship intelligence, our approach emphasizes creating social and organizational literacy across apparent divides in workplaces. In taking precious time to develop this literacy, we find that teams can become synchronized and empowered in a way that was never possible before.




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